The Miami Herald
June 3, 1982, page 14

Allende nephew takes aim at overthrow of Pinochet

Herald Staff Writer

HAVANA--A leftist nephew of Chile's Late President Salvador Allende surfaced here this week, telling reporters he hopes to unite exiled Chilean political leaders to bring down the military government there.

Pascal Allende, a leader of Chile's clandestine Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR), told a news conference he intends to "intensify the armed struggle" against the military government of Gen. Augusto Pinochet and return to Chile clandestinely to continue leading the MIR.

The news conference Monday, organized by the Cuban government for reporters attending a Nonaligned foreign ministers' meeting in Havana, marked the first time Allende has left Chile since going underground in 1978.

The chubby, 38-year-old sociologist, dressed in a brand-new yellow guayabera open at the chest, spoke in calm, even tones and sounded almost enthusiastic about MIR's chances of success.

He said that although MIR guerrillas have not developed the capability to take over industries, towns or cities, they are working toward that end and will attempt later to stage these actions.

That, said Allende, would mark. the beginning of a national insurrection against Pinochet, perhaps involving an alliance of rebel groups and leftist political parties like those seen in Central America

"The extraordinary example of revolutionary Cuba, of Nicaragua and Grenada and of the just, popular struggles of El Salvador and Guatemala do encourage the peoples of South America and their democratic, revolutionary forces to escalate the fight against oppressive regimes and American imperialism," he said.

Later, he said he had left Chile clandestinely "a few weeks ago" to visit Mexico, Cuba and several European nations to meet with exiled Chilean leaders and discuss forming a united front against Pinochet.

Allende said that during his Mexico City stop last week he saw his aunt Hortensia, widow of Salvador Allende. Salvador Allende was toppled and killed in a 1973 coup led by Pinochet.

"The central goal of my visit to foreign nations is precisely to meet with the readerships of the Chilean parties abroad in order to strengthen the process of unity and deepen common actions against the Pinochet dictatorship," he said.

Allende said he would be back inside Chile within two months and stressed that the, time was ripe for Central American-style uprisings not only in Chile but throughout Latin America.

"The Malvinas [Falklands] crisis and growing social agitation in Argentina. Bolivia and Peru and the advance of the guerrilla struggle in Colombia and armed resistance in Chile and the emergence of armed rebellion in Peru are signs that a new revolutionary era is dawning in South America," he said.