Aztec Chacmools

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Aztec Templo Mayor, Mexico City
Aztec Templo Mayor, Mexico City

Aztec Templo Mayor, Mexico City Aztec Templo Mayor, Mexico City

     Excavated in 1943 at the corner of Venustiano Carranza and Pino Suarez
     Streets, Mexico City. Wears a Tlaloc mask and a pendant with an
     archaistic motif.

        Bottom of Tlaloc mask chacmool. Tlaqloc appears in the center with serpents and shells.
     Decapitated chacmool with wrist bracelets, heeled sandals, and offering
     receptacle found at 12 Guatemala St., near Mexico City Cathedral.

One of four decapitated chacmools found at 60-62 Guatemala Street, 
       during construction of Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City. 
One of four decapitated chacmools found at 60-62 Guatemala Street, 
       during construction of Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City. 

     El Chueco chacmool head was found in the tunnel dug
     under the Templo Mayor.
     El Chueco, a decapitated chacmool head fixed on a slab, has
     its mouth twisted to the right and nose twisted to the left. 

Tacubaya chacmool found in the center of Mexico City
Bottom of Tacubaya chacmool depicting water currents, seashells, frogs.