Caribbean Island
Nations Classroom:
Dr. Antonio de la Cova Office: Moore 3103
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Emphasizes the socio-political and economic history of the Caribbean. It analyzes the impact of European colonization, piracy, and the slave trade, focusing on Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
READINGS: You are expected to read all of the texts assigned to this course and the homework assigned readings. Questions regarding the texts and homework will appear on the exams. The texts available at the bookstore are:
Jan Rogozinski. A Brief History of the Caribbean. (2000).
Manuel Zeno-Gandia. The Pond. (1999)
Jaime Suchlicki. Cuba: From Columbus to Castro and Beyond. (1997)
OTHER MATERIAL: Documentaries and overhead projections presented are part of class lectures, requiring taking notes on these occasions. Homework will be assigned from the Latin American Studies web page.
GRADING: Your grade will consist of three exams with an essay component and a research paper. The exams will cover material from the readings, lectures and presentations. There will be no "Extra Credit." The final grade is:
First exam 20%
Second exam 30% Third Exam 30% Research Paper
A = 100-90; B+ = 89-87;
B = 86-80; C+ = 79-77; C = 76-70; D+ = 69-667; D = 66-60; F = 59-0
RESEARCH PAPER: Choose your own topic related to this course. Four to five pages in body length, typed, double-spaced, with standard margins, without illustrations. Include at least three citations from the Latin American Studies web site, three books and three academic journals. A late paper will lose ten points. Turn in a paper copy and one on disk or by e-mail.
MAKE-UP EXAMS: It will only be given if you have a valid physician's excuse or a verified family emergency. Makeups are different and considerably more difficult than the regularly scheduled test.
ATTENDANCE: The roll will be taken at every class. Absences totaling 8 classes (20% of the course) will result in an F for the course.
CLASSES LECTURE TOPICS ASSIGNED READINGS March 10-14 Introduction and study guides Rogoz,1-33; Suchlicki,3-31. Indigenous people Mining Threatens Ancient Cave Art Voyages of Columbus Where did Columbus first see the New World? Film: Christopher Columbus Introduction of the Horse into America
March 17-21 Colonial era Rogoz,34-64; Suchlicki,32-49. Privateers and piracy Hispaniola: The First Colony Caribbean Slavery Henry Morgan: A Welsh Buccaneer Film: The African Slave Trade Essay on the Treatment of Slaves March 24-28 The sugar economy Rogoz,65-92; Suchlicki,53-84. Haitian slave insurrection The Slave Rebellion of 1791 The Kingdom of Haiti Cost of Pitt's Caribbean Campaigns, 1793-98 First Exam. President Alexandre Petion Research paper prospectus and bibliography due. March 31- Cuban Annexation Movement Rogoz,93-121; Suchlicki,87-114. April 4 Ten Years' War (1868-1878) Sugar Revolution in Cuba, 1750-1850 1895 War of Independence The Round Island Expedition of 1849 Film: Spanish-American War Evolution of Cuban Separatist Thought April 7-11 "Remember the Maine" Rogoz,152-173; Suchlicki,115-131. Spanish-Cuban-American War Spanish American War Chronology The Roosevelt Corollary A Splendid Little War Film: The Caribbean U.S.-Spain Treaty of Peace
April 14-19 Spanish Colonial Puerto Rico Rogoz,122-151; Suchlicki,132-152. Puerto Rican Nationalism Puerto Rico and the 1936 Tydings Bill Associated Free State Government and Politics in Puerto Rico Second Exam. 100 Years of U.S. Rule in Puerto Rico April 28- The Cuban Revolution of 1933 Rogoz,177-210; Suchlicki,155-172. May 2 The Batista years The Machadato and Cuban Nationalism 1928-1932 The Castro Revolution Batista and Populism in Cuba, 1937-1940 Film: Fidel Castro Why We Fight May 5-9 The Bay of Pigs Rogoz,211-247; Suchlicki,173-202. The Cuban Missile Crisis Site change called fatal to invasion United States-Cuba Relations Letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy Film: The Cuban Missile Crisis U.S.-Cuba Relations During Reagan May 12-16 Dominican Independence Rogoz,248-270; Suchlicki, 203-221. Trujillo regime 1930-1961) Caudillos and Gavilleros vs. U.S. Marines 1965 Dominican Intervention The Trujillo Era Film: A History of Voodoo President Juan Bosch Research paper due Joaquin Balaguer Dominated Dominican Life
May 19-23 Occupation of Haiti (1915-34) Rogoz,271-292; Suchlicki,222-248. Duvalier Dynasty Ideology, Political Protest in Haiti 1930-46 Hatian Democracy Restored The Duvalier Dynasty 1957-1986 Third Exam. Aristide Is Sworn in Again as PresidentThe preceeding schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.