353. Telegram From the Embassy in Chile to the Embassy in Cuba

Santiago, August 12, 1959-3 p.m.

83. We cognizant problem Ambassador seeing Castro explained Embtel 354 repeated Santiago.

Assume this attitude of Castro needs be weighed in light [less than 1 line not declassified] report that Castro peeved because Embassy Havana allegedly knew of Morgan invasion attempt and he Castro, not informed. This seems preposterous in view information furnished Embassy Havana approximately week ago re Morgan and which Ambassador discussed with Foreign Minister Roa. Is it correct assume that Roa might not have had opportunity to pass information to Castro?

Is Castro situation so involved that he may publicly denounce US and Ambassador Bonsal for having withheld detailed knowledge invasion attempt (which US did not have as far as Rubottom aware) even though Castro may have been informed by Roa of broad outline reported Morgan effort several days ago.

Please advise re above since may have important bearing on work of conference and possible attitude Cuban delegation here. Secretary and/or Rubottom will raise subject Ambassador's inability see Castro with Roa.
